USES: For use on white or light pastel plus dark and black cottons, blends, dress wear, linens, toweling, slipcovers, T-shirts, bedspreads and hats.
FINISH: Equal to fabric printed. Prints "breathe" well.
OPACITY: All colors are deep strength opaque colors. Can be screen printed one color on another "wet-on-wet" for multicolor printing.
DRYING TIME: All moisture and water must be evaporated from cloth before drying/curing begins. Air-dries to touch in about 30 to 40 minutes, but can take up to 30 days to reach full cure. (All colors must be heat set.) Jet dries in about 90 seconds at 320{ F. If sufficient oven conditions canUt be met, add 1.5% PAVOFIX A to insure wash fastness in most systems. Use PAVOFIX H for heatcure.
SCREEN FABRIC: Use monofilament polyester depending on material being printed. 74-156 mesh for normal printing.
SCREEN COATING, FILM, BLOCKOUT: Use water resistant emulsion, preferable with hardener. Do not under expose!
MODIFIERS: Use Pavoclear extender or Pavopaque B to let down colors. To improve opacity up to 2% Pavassist antiwicking agent can be added to improve brightness, but testing to make sure adhesion is still adequate is required. Reduce with a minimum amount of water to prevent hanging up on the squeegee and flood bar.
PRINT TECHNIQUE: Minimum squeegee pressure is required. Minimum off contact is recommended, with very tightly stretched screens.
SQUEEGEE: Soft to medium in the 60 to 70 range.
WASHUP: Use water to clean screens and tools or biodegradable washups 2500, 2550 or 2510 screen wash gel for badly dried in screens.