Binder DSFP is a phthalate free pigment coloration discharge binder for screen printing. Compatible with a discharge agent, provides a soft hand and distinct color effects when printing with pigments. This dye-discharging Binder Base will leave natural shirt color after heat curing on many 100% cotton shirts (50/50 and pigment dyed shirts not recommended). It can also be tinted with NEO concentrates for a one-step process that leaves the added color after discharging.
HOW TO USE:Cure at 320°F for two to three minutes.
APPEARANCE:Milky white emulsion paste.
TYPICAL FORMULA:For base used, add up to 10% Discharge Agent and pigment to suit.
OPACITY:Good after discharge if pigment is added.
SCREEN COATING, FILM, BLOCKOUT: Water resistant direct photo stencils, or solvent soluble knife-cut stencils are suitable.
WASHUP:5505 Detergent or 2300 Soysol Washup